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Reviews  💬

Teacher voices

Jasper Nordling
Berghs School of Communication

“I introduced Humy as part of my student project and was surprised by the high level of engagement from my students. It added completely new dimensions to the project.”

Miriam Williams

“AI George Washington captivated even my quietest student. They were utterly fascinated and didn’t want the lesson to end.”

Nazlıhan Ulusoy
English Teacher at Final Schools

“Humy really brought a fresh angle to our classes. Watching the kids interact with AI versions of Civil Rights figures was eye-opening. They connected with history in a new way. I'm eager to dive into more creative projects like this.”

Laura Odom
English Teacher

“The world religion collection blew us away. It's worth every penny, and I’d fund it myself!”

Corey Pendleton

“Unprecedented engagement! My students were so involved, they forgot about gym class, which never happens.”

Paul Lepore
Social Studies Department Chairperson

“Through Humy's dynamic platform, students engage in inquiry-driven explorations, where they not only interact with historical personas but also unearth leads to primary and secondary documents.”

Matthew Kreis
American History Teacher

“Humy revolutionizes education with personalized learning, tailored instruction, and enhanced student engagement. It fosters an interactive classroom, allowing hesitant students to confidently participate by engaging with historical figures like Frederick Douglass. Outstanding!”

Melissa Vanicky
Staten Island International School, NY

“Humy's user-friendly platform has enhanced my students' engagement and understanding of history. It help them develop critical thinking and engage in insightful discussions.”

Jasper Nordling
Berghs School of Communication

“I introduced Humy as part of my student project and was surprised by the high level of engagement from my students. It added completely new dimensions to the project.”

Miriam Williams

“AI George Washington captivated even my quietest student. They were utterly fascinated and didn’t want the lesson to end.”

Nazlıhan Ulusoy
English Teacher at Final Schools

“Humy really brought a fresh angle to our classes. Watching the kids interact with AI versions of Civil Rights figures was eye-opening. They connected with history in a new way. I'm eager to dive into more creative projects like this.”

Laura Odom
English Teacher

“The world religion collection blew us away. It's worth every penny, and I’d fund it myself!”

Corey Pendleton

“Unprecedented engagement! My students were so involved, they forgot about gym class, which never happens.”

Paul Lepore
Social Studies Department Chairperson

“Through Humy's dynamic platform, students engage in inquiry-driven explorations, where they not only interact with historical personas but also unearth leads to primary and secondary documents.”

Matthew Kreis
American History Teacher

“Humy revolutionizes education with personalized learning, tailored instruction, and enhanced student engagement. It fosters an interactive classroom, allowing hesitant students to confidently participate by engaging with historical figures like Frederick Douglass. Outstanding!”

Join 40,000+ teachers that are shaping the future of education