Your student data security is our priority

Humy is built with privacy and student data security in mind from the ground up

Oversight of AI usage

Gain transparency by seeing what your students chat about with AI tutors, ensuring productive and relevant interactions.

Information accuracy

Upload custom information sources to tailor AI tutors and assignments to your specific needs with confidence.

Encryption in transit and at rest

Humy stores data in Microsoft Azure, which is considered one of the most secure cloud providers. Encryption in transit and at rest is guaranteed.

Safe responses from AI

Humy keeps students focused on their assignments by filtering out irrelevant and inappropriate topics, ensuring a productive learning environment.

Get Humy Approved by Your IT Department

We’ll send you the package and you can forward it to your IT department

  • Data Privacy Agreement
  • Source Provider Letter
  • Data Privacy Agreement
  • Required IT Configurations
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